Creation Society Theology

#FakeNews: How People Suppress the Truth

Romans 1:18-23 | Fake News: How People Suppress The Truth | Chapel Message

All the chapel messages are on the Videos Page.

Clint Reformers Spiritual Growth Suffering & Trials Theology

Why Justification Ages Well

As I get older I can’t help noticing who is and who isn’t ageing well. Some look like improved versions of their younger selves. Most look like the same people only with more pounds, wrinkles, grey hair and bare scalp. Some age well others don’t.

The other thing that happens as you get older, is you receive clearer evidence that you are a sinner, not resident in heaven and not utterly sanctified. Although the Christian might look back and see the numerous sins before their conversion, they can also see how each day since would add to their sin ledger.

This becomes more important when we get criticized, confronted, and charged by other people. In accounting terms, we can have the data of our sins inputted on an accrual basis. The ledger gets longer as our age gets higher.

For all of the misunderstandings and false accusations, there will also be many exposures of sin which will be accurate and real. Without any way to deal with the accounting of our sin, our debt would continue to multiply. A record of debt stands against us with “its legal demands” (Col 2:14).

As we age, it would be crippling to have the accrual of our sins piled upon us. For those who ignore this accrual, we can see their utter arrogance as they look at themselves in a purely sunny light. But for the sinner without Christ, there is only the growing despair which the sin ledger brings. Our sins don’t age well.

Justification ages well when our sins don’t. There is an evergreen character to justification that never withers or fades. There is no sin in the believer that remains unatoned for at the cross. There is no failure of obligation that is not satisfied by the active obedience of Christ. There is no accusation from earth or heaven which cancels the verdict of God when he declares a sinner just (Ro 3:26).

If you believe in Jesus Christ alone, relying upon his blood and righteousness for the forgiveness of your sins, you have a right standing before God. Then even if you add pounds and wrinkles, you don’t have to worry about ageing badly. You can even have the accrued sins of a long life reckoned as obsolete because God’s verdict never breaks down.

On another Reformation Day, you can know and announce that your justification is ageing quite well thank you.

unsplash-logoWesley Tingey

Canada Clint Gospel Society Theology

Equality in a Diverse World

Few people will deny that the topic of sexuality rises to the top of all other discussions in Canada. Even in my own church we talk about these issues frequently. The public tensions center around sexuality in relation to the notion of equality. Yet no one can doubt that the subject of diversity is just as prominent. A Christian cannot ignore these ideas of equality and diversity. And in an interesting juxtaposition, my church hosted a conference that addressed the topic of sexuality, only a week prior to the annual celebration of the local Gay Pride parade.

1. Equality of Humanity

Both the attendees at our conference and the attendees at the Gay Pride festival are all equal in worth, dignity and value. That is the Christian viewpoint. Since all the attendees are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27a), they have an equal standing as well designed, created beings. The design of the human body abounds with evidence of this design, from the microscopic universe of complexity in a human cell to the culture-producing capacity to make create art for the senses.

2. Equality of the Sexes

If the image of God is the first equality that human beings have, the second equality which humans beings have is the equality of sexuality. Since sexuality is the expression of sex, it finds its equal source in the binary sex displayed as male and female. When we consult with Genesis 1:27, we see that this binary division of male and female establishes equality in these two sexes

We know that this second equality applies to sexuality, because in Genesis 1:28, God commends and commands the equal male and female image bearers to be “fruitful and multiply”. This requires the sexual union of male and female; two equals, producing more equals. The equality status is built into God’s design because there are things that have a lower status. In fact, God commands equal, fruitful, human beings to “fill the earth and subdue it” (v.28). Equality is established because the earth, not other people, are placed below human “dominion”.

These equalites that God has established require the high valuation on life that ought to be confessed by all people. Terms today like “pro-life” are just as much “pro-equality”. The unborn child at conception is a human life, and so ought to be treated with dignity, worth and value. The same applies to the elderly or mentally underdeveloped, who are nevertheless equal in worth, dignity and value. No matter the nomenclature we ascribe to ourselves (Baptist, Hindu, Transgender, etc) we are equal in status, worth and dignity because we are created in the image of God.

3. Equality of Corruption

There is third equality that must be looked at before we can consider the diversities. The third equality is the status of fallenness or moral corruption. The tragedy that started it all is recorded in the third chapter of Genesis. Adam disobeyed God by eating what was forbidden (v.6). The result of his action was the equally affecting contagion which touched every human being:

Therefore just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned”

Romans 5:12

Prior to the spread of this corrupting contagion, human beings were equal in status. But afterwards, they remained equal in status, yet also equally contaminated and corrupt. This equality of corruption is not talking about the quantity of criminal acts. It’s not talking about individual’s lists of sins and their relative length. What it’s talking about is that every person from the goody-two-shoes to hardened prisoner has equality of corruption.

The equality of human beings is the reason why Adam’s sin corrupts all, not just some. The point is an important one because self-identified religious people can act like self-identified gay people are unequal and more corrupt. Of course the reverse is true too. Gay people can act like Christians are moral monsters, and undeserving of treatment as equals.

Celebrating equality is a good thing. It is the gift of a special status which God has given to all people. But we must also recognize that there is an equality of corruption which requires a deliverance, but deserves none. None of us deserves to be delivered from judgment. We are all equally under the condemnation of God (Ro 1:18).

Diversity of Equality

There can’t be a discussion of equality without a matching discussion about diversity. Diversity is built into the creation of equal human beings. Even as God created humanity in the image of God, he created two binary, biological sexes, male and female (Gen 1:27). The second chapter of Genesis shows that there was a diversity to the order of the male and female creation, with man being created first in time (2:7). Without a compatible, equal complement to him, God supernaturally created the woman from the biological material of the man (v.22). This diversity in time did not change their equality, but it established diversity within equality. The man was not a woman, nor vice versa. The man had responsibilities given to him by God, such as naming the animals and naming his co-equal corresponding image-bearer. Only the woman had the diverse characteristics to bear children. Yet equality remains.

Equality was not injured or altered by this diversity. But diversities developed, as equal human couples were tasked to socially separate themselves from their parents, being bound together in a union, and establishing new families. This extension of equality beyond one couple, or one tribe is the essence of equality for all of humanity. Although there is diversity in new heterosexual, covenanted unions that are blooming with new life, every new tribe inherently possesses all the equalities, both positive and negative.

Other Diversities

The binary diversity of sex, means that men and women will differ. They will have biological and social differences. Diversity, as in all art, provides variety and intrigue. The differences between men and women are not in terms of the quantity of their worth, but the characteristics of their design.

All peoples are diverse as descendents of Adam. The biological, genetic diversity cannot dispel the fact that we are all connected to each other at the root. We all possess the equalities, even as we celebrate the diversities. Although people may talk of races in the plural, there is really only one race, that is Adam’s race, which we all share in, however diverse we may be in other ways.

Sadly, all of us would like to deny the equality of value for all people, while at the same time selectively denying the equality of corruption for others. Due to sin, we are constantly elevating ourselves and denigrating others. People can celebrate pride as a virtue, when our equality should make us all humble, even repenting in dust and ashes. As Isaiah said:

“Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!”

Isaiah 6:5

Retrieving Equality

I was confronted by the distorted views of equality recently when I had a conversation with a woman via social media.

She had been criticizing our church for promoting a conference on sexuality and gender. Her questions were about equality. Did we believe in ‘equality’? Did we support ‘marriage equality’?

I responded in as winsome a manner as possible, trying to articulate the biblical view of equality and diversity. But she responded that I was speaking in a non-secular way. In other words, my definitions of equality (in keeping with standard English usage) did not correspond to hers. When she said “marriage equality” she didn’t mean the equal status of two binary male and female people joined in a covenant with the design that their union be exclusive and fruitful. She meant homosexual unions being re-defined as marriages. We seemed to be speaking different languages.

So if I understood her correctly, she saw equality as requiring interchangeability or fluidity. Further, like Orwell’s Animal Farm, she also understood that all are equal, but some were more equal than others. I was confessing a realistic view of the world where human beings are equal in value, worth and dignity, yet diverse in binary sex, ethnicity and amazing productive capacities. But this confession was forbidden.

I came away from the exchange realizing that there is a vast language gap between what Scripture says, and what our neighbours are saying, even when they employ similar sounding ideas.

Equality and Diversity in the Message of Jesus Christ

The most important way to retrieve equality and diversity is not by playing language games, but by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Son of God took on the equality of human beings, by adding to himself a human nature (Phil 2:5-11). This was a condescension because the Son who is God is by definition unequally superior to all creatures. Yet by adding this second, human equality, he could welcome a great diversity of human beings to be united to him. He bore their sin, receiving their due penalty, giving them a renewed equality as children of God, objects of the Father’s love (see 2 Cor 5:21; 1 John 3:1).

There is a new message which diverse humanity must hear in all of their equal corruption. It the message of the gospel that will bring together people from every tribe, tongue and nation to worship at the feet of the one who is superior to all, the Lamb who was slain (Rev 7:9).

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unsplash-logoTim Mossholder

Clint Gospel Ministry Spiritual Growth

Who Are You Tied To?

I’m going to speak to the VBS chapel and I wondered what I would say. At the start of the week it made sense to talk about sin. Later in the week the gospel would be shared in the other chapels. Since It’s rural Alberta I’m bringing a rope, a lariat in fact. So  I’m going to ask the kids who are they tied to? 

Tied to Sin

It’s a simple thing to consider who you’re tied to. If you work in an office, you feel tied to your screen and inbox. If you’re a mother of young child you feel tied to a diaper bag and a detachable baby bucket car seat. 
But all people are tied to sin. Paul said in Romans 5:12 that, ” sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, so death spread to all men because all sinned”.  Every human being from Adam on down is tied to sin. Sin makes them slaves (Ro 6:16,20). They are tied to sin and have to do what sin tells them.

I’m going to use my lariat and have a camper volunteer to put the loop over my two wrists. Then they get to pull tight and drag me around!  This is the image of sin which I want the campers to understand. It is the the way that Scripture depicts our situation. We are tied to sin and are jerked and pulled and tugged toward sin in every thought word and deed. 

The Sharp Edge of the Cross

Central to Paul’s idea of the cross, is the belief that the death of Jesus has benefits. It benefits the person who is tied to sin by delivering them from sin’s dominion by tying them to Jesus by faith. It is as if the death of Jesus on the cross is the knife that cuts the knot of sin. 
The cross has a sharp edge to it. 
Now after the knot of sin is cut, it is still possible for a person to follow sin around, like a horse follows a little girl with a carrot. But when the knot of sin is cut, we don’t have to follow sin any more. 

Tied Until Death; Tied For Life

When people get married, if they still use the traditional vows, they say “til death do us part” which means they commit to stay tied to each other until they die. And that’s the way it is with anything you’re tied to. Once your tied to it, you can’t take the rope off. It has to be cut off. And it’s only cut off in death. 
Sin will lead the tied up person to death (Ro 6:21). But if a person believes in Jesus Christ, and by faith they embrace being tied to him, then they get lead to death in a different way. 
They are tied with Jesus in his death. Paul says, “We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin” (Ro 6:6). 
When you believe in Jesus, you are tied to him. And you die with him in his crucifixion. The only way you can be freed, is if you are tied to someone else. 
When we are united or tied to Jesus in his death, then we also get the benefit of being tied to him in his life raised up from the dead. “Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him” (Ro 6:8). 

Tied to a New Master

Jesus came to save people who were tied to a cruel master, sin. He took the punishment for their sin. He even died for their sin. 
But Jesus didn’t intend for us to be kicked free out in the wild with nobody to care for us. Instead, Jesus ties us to himself when we believe in him. And he makes us lie down in green pastures and he leads us peaceful waters. (Ps 23:2). We get all the benefits of life and we are freed from sin. But it is only because we are tied to a good, gracious and loving master, our Lord Jesus Christ.  

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