Spiritual Growth Theology

The Gravity of Glory Not 15 Minutes of Fame

In 1968 Andy Warhol said that in the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes. Today with Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat, and reality tv it seems that Warhol’s prediction has come true, even if he overshot the fame part by 14 minutes and 30 seconds. In those 30 seconds of modern fame, a person today has the significance of their person, their character, their ability and reputation pressed down into the experience of others. Their fame flees after 15 seconds or so because they don’t have the ability to sustain their momentary glory. So they move from significant to insignificant, influential to irrelevant, and impactful to inconsequential.

The Gravity of Glory

In the Scriptures, the word for this significant, influential, relevant, impactful and consequential emanation is called khavod, or glory. We normally associate this kind of glory with mega-experiences like the first glance of the Rockies, or the seas of the Pacific, Atlantic, or Arctic. These experiences are so massive they feel heavy like we are being overwhelmed with the weight of beauty, expanse, and wonder that is pressing on us. But that is what the biblical notion of that Hebrew word means. Glory is heavy.

The trouble with mountains and oceans and beauty and wonder is that we get tired and even a little bored of feeling the heaviness of their glory. That’s why people go camping and still look at their smartphones. Our fallenness and finiteness make us incapable of sustainable glory gazing.

So when we look at glory, we get bored and self absorbed. And in this way we can quickly take the beauty and glory of creation and turn it into being all about us. Instead of seeing an idyllic lake or rocky cliff pointing us to the greater glory of God, we flip it. As the early Christian leader Paul said, people “worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator” and the result is that we’ve “exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images”(Romans 1.251.23).

This means that everyone in this world needs to stop being a gravity-denier. God’s glory, his heaviness has a gravitational pull on all of us. We can say it isn’t so, but we’re denying reality and so denying God.

Getting Glory Crushed

One of the classic examples of an awakened recognition of the gravity of God came to the ancient prophet Isaiah when he had a supernatural vision of the khavod of God. Isaiah saw that God was morally pure– triple deluxe pure so that angelic beings could not view God directly because their creaturely eyeballs would fry if they looked at God’s holy purity. And these angels sang out, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies— the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6.3).  

That vision of moral purity was not merely significant, it crushed Isaiah. He was crushed under the weight of God’s holy gravity. He had to confess, “I am undone. For I am a man of unclean lips and I live in the midst of a people of unclean lips. For my eyes have seen the king, the Lord of heaven’s armies” (v.5). What was a glory crushed guy to do?

He needed to have his sin taken away by the God of holy gravity. In the vision it was pictured as a burning briquette from a holy-fire-altar. It was touched to his lips to cleanse his sin-spewing outlet (v.6-7).

Fast forward to Good Friday when the holy gravity of God’s moral purity came crushing down on the sin and guilt of the glory-exchangers. Yet those folks weren’t hanging on the cross. Jesus the Son of God was. He took the gravity of God’s holy glory, and actively received its crushing effect in just wrath by substitution for glory-exchangers that should have been hung there. As Paul said, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor 5.21).

Jesus didn’t stay dead but rose from the gravel bed. He rose and returned to ‘the glory he had before with the Father’ (John 17.5). So now, the gravity of Jesus’ glory in the gospel presses on all who believe through the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1.8). This motives his disciples to see the nations submit under the weight of his holy gravity (Matt 28.19-20), that he might lift them up (Col 3.1Eph 2.6Rom 6.4) and ‘bring many sons and daughters to glory’ (Hebrews 2.10).

That’s a weight of significance that will last much longer than 15 minutes.

This post first appeared at The Gospel Coalition Canada.

Plan to attend the 2020 TGC Canada National Conference, May 27-29 in the Greater Toronto Area.

Church Clint Puritans Spiritual Growth

Care to Prepare

When Christians care enough to prepare to hear good teaching, they will profit greatly. When they don’t care to prepare, they can arrive at worship late, distracted, hungry, irritated and already a bit bored.

It’s no wonder that pastors are tempted to make their sermons match the ebb and flow of unprepared people. What comedy routine or sensational story will be good enough to make people care to listen?

If we are to recover a sense of God’s holiness and the gravity of his glory (Hebrew, kavod, Greek doxa), we must care, repenting of our carelessness.

Care to Expect Great Things

Imagine if your church had the congregants setting aside time on Saturday night to prepare for Sunday worship. What if they spent time on Sunday morning before they left the house, praying for the preaching of the Word, the worship of the praises sung, the conversion of sinners and the building up of the saints?

When people care to prepare they have an expectancy about what can happen. They are buoyant as they expect to see what God will do according to his Word. Because they care to prepare, they are able to say with the missionary William Carey, “Expect Great Things (from God). Attempt Great Things (for God). “

JI Packer on Caring to Prepare

JI Packer diagnosed this lack of preparation in our modern-day compared to the intentionality of the Puritans. He wrote:

But we neglect to prepare our hearts; for, as the Puritans would have been the first to tell us, thirty seconds of private prayer upon taking our seat in the church building is not time enough in which to do it. It is here that we need to take ourselves in hand. What we need at the present time to deepen our worship is not new liturgical forms or formulae, nor new hymns and tunes, but more preparatory ‘heart-work’ before we use the old ones. There is nothing wrong with new hymns, tunes, and worship styles—there may be very good reasons for them—but without ‘heart-work’ they will not make our worship more fruitful and God-honouring; they will only strengthen the syndrome that C.S. Lewis called ‘the liturgical fidgets’. ‘Heart-work’ must have priority or spiritually our worship will get nowhere.

JI Packer, Quest for Godliness, 257

Care To Prepare For Church

So we need to care to prepare with this “heart-work”. It is vital for our lives and our churches. And the result will be that God will answer our prayers and the tunings of our hearts in ways that we never could have imagined. Tony Payne says in his book titled, “How to Walk Into Church”:

When I remember to pray about church (either the night before or just before I go), it’s quite incredible-actually, we might say quite unsurprising-how often those prayers are answered; that is, how often rich opportunities for encouragement and growth present themselves in church that week, either for me personally or for those around me as we talk together. 

Tony Payne, How to Walk into Church, 39

If you care to prepare, it doesn’t have to be difficult. It just means prioritizing what actually happens when the saints gather together to meet with God, hear his Word and sing his praise. If you can give a bit of thought beforehand you will benefit much more from your time at church. You will also resist the listener’s itch. And you will have a heart turned toward God in a receptive way, as any servant should. You will say with Isaiah, “Here am I. Send me” (Isa 6:8).

unsplash-logoNicole Honeywill

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