Clint Sunday Recap

The Potter’s Freedom, Slurpees, Bach and the Hearth: A Sunday Recap

This Lord’s Day we braved icy roads to get to church where we were fed well in Sunday School and sang with the saints looking to Behold Our God and asking to Show Us Christ. I gave my sermon on the Potter’s Freedom in Jeremiah 18 and Romans 9 and we ended the service with an appeal to believe in Jesus Christ with the free offer of the gospel as a fitting way to speak about unconditional election.

After a meeting about the proposed church plant and many conversations about God’s love and the ebbs and flows of life, we left the church not as the last souls, but the near to last and went straight to 7-11. The boys all had a Slurpee with their lunch and considered it the fitting drink for celebration.

The afternoon was a mix of church friends and naps and updates from the senior’s home outreach. I was informed of an elderly woman who resisted the church’s ministry at the home, but this Sunday she was listening. Can I believe that a sinner can believe in the 11th hour?

We ate our supper and reviewed the catechism question. A funny acronym helped us all to remember the answer as we went around the table for our batch of talk. As we washed up we got a text about a youth leader who was getting surgery. The oldest prayed for him that he would not be complaining ‘Why Me Lord?’ but would instead see God’s hand in it all.

After we washed and cleaned up and they finished Monday’s due homework, we all switched to the living room and got a fire going in the hearth. We read our various books hearing giggles from the youngest, jokes from the middlest, Tolkienisms from the oldest, while Christel read Anne Bradstreet and I read Sinclair Ferguson. We played some Bach on the Mac and settled our minds and hearts near the end of the day.

Too late we prayed with the boys and sent them to bed while we watched the fire mellow down to embers at the end of a blessed day of God’s grace.

By Clint

Clint is married to Christel, father to three sons, and serves as Senior Pastor of Calvary Grace Church in Calgary, Canada.