Clint Sunday Recap

Sunday Recap: Chinook, Uganda, the kingship of Jesus, church planting, country music, catechism and more.

The Lord’s Day January 13, 2019 came with a beautiful Chinook over the Rockies and a rising dawn as the days get longer.

In Sunday School we looked at the person of the Holy Spirit, addressing the all too common misconception of the Spirit as a force, not a person.

In the main service I ended up leading the service, though I was not prepared. The miscommunication was my own fault. But as happens on a Sunday morning in most churches a person must adapt to change. It’s good to trust the Lord for change lest we think the power is in our clever planning.

I had meditated on 1 Cor 2:2 in my devotions so I used that as the call to worship. “ I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

We sang and I used Romans 3 as a meditation for our confession of sin and assurance of pardon.

We sang again and I introduced the preacher, a missionary in Uganda whose passion was contagious. At the end of the meeting I spoke with him and was challenged by his efforts to lay foundations for the church in a church-less region of Uganda.

He preached on the great commission in Matthew 28 and we were summoned to bow before Christ as king. Such a truth pilots all other things.

After the service I met a new family, originally from Pakistan who were Christian believers. They wanted to start coming to our church in a search for sound bible teaching.

Then there was a meeting with a core group our church is sending to plant in a nearby town. There was caution mixed with wise enthusiasm in the group. It was just the right mix.

After passing by another community group having a potluck in the basement I found my family waiting in the vehicle.

Christel was not feeling well and the service went extra long so we happily rested in recovery on this day of rest. I was tired, even though I didn’t preach, but fatigue reminds me that God’s sabbaths are made for man

Although we don’t have two separate services we spend nearly 4hours together corporately which permits us the time to know one another and show our love for each other.

Being challenged by a message about the kingship of Christ, I finished Sunday with a desire to follow him as his servant and summon all nations to follow him as they ought to do. This is good and right. Bless God for such good news!

We ate our evening meal and had some entertainment from our son’s who each played us their best song on guitar. Selections from Corb Lund, Marty Robbins and the Beatles.

At bedtime we reviewed at the New City catechism question. A few laughs and giggles but we got the basics down.

All of us retired to sleep ready on the first day of the week for what may come—Happy expectancy under the sovereign grace of God.

By Clint

Clint is married to Christel, father to three sons, and serves as Senior Pastor of Calvary Grace Church in Calgary, Canada.