Christel Clint Family Home & Health

Family Table Talk On “The Righteousness of God”

At the dinner table, after we’ve eaten but before we clean up, Christel and I spend time having some table talk. Martin and Katie Luther made the practice famous with their Tischreden or Table Talk, and Ligonier calls their magazine Table Talk. But all that we do with our three sons is discuss a passage of Scripture or working through the New City Catechism.

What does the righteousness of God mean?

As the last boy ate his last bites, I opened up Romans 3:21 and read the passage:

But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it

Romans 3:21

Since kids attention spans are short, we don’t like to make our table talk a seminary class. So my plan was to look at the first part of this verse.

My question to the table was “What does the righteousness of God mean?” A good response back was that it meant God’s holiness. Another response was that is was God’s rightness.

I went with that. God’s righteousness, I tried to explain, was his character of perfect rightness, which is always holy, which is always good. He’s right and he’s always right.

From “But now” to Butt Jokes and Back Again

From there we switched to looking at the phrase “But now”. I asked the table about the “but”. Of course, the boys started making butt jokes. Whose butt? As the conversation turned toward smelly butts (very Luther-like), I reined us in and asked why the “But now” was there.

A boy suggested that something different was happening. And it was happening right now.

I agreed. We then had a discussion about how long is ‘now’. I explained the concept of an unending moment, what theologians would call an eschatological ‘now’ or the grammarians call a gnomic present (mercifully none of which I included in my explanation). A boy waved his hands and said it is now forever and ever. And I said he had got it exactly right.

Connecting the ‘But now’ with ‘the righteousness of God’

At this point, we had to start wrapping things up. We still hadn’t connected the contrast between what had been discussed in chapters 1-3 and what Paul was saying in Ro 3:21. I asked the table about the righteousness earlier in chapter 3. One boy remembered that there is “none righteous, no, not one” (Ro 3:10). I asked how did everyone know what was right and what wasn’t. In a dramatic courtroom judge voice, one boy declared, “The Law!”

At this point, we were nearing the max of our table talk attention span. I left our discussion with that judge-like declaration. Ready to continue the discussion at the next table talk.

If you would like to read more about how our family conducts this table talk, you can check out an interview at The Gospel Coalition Canada.

Body Image Christel Creation Home & Health Spiritual Growth

What does a Pilates Class have to do with Intelligent Design?

I remember a while ago how I had to study anatomy intensively in order to get my Pilates teacher training certification.

The intricate and complex design of the human body was a little overwhelming to comprehend. Having barely scratched the surface of the muscular and skeletal systems, I was struck by how each of the many muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones are integrated so perfectly for the human body to function.

Each detail has a reason behind it. There is a distinct purpose in the masterpiece of the human body. The study of anatomy points strongly to a Designer. I recall how the Pilates instructor said on the one hand, “We don’t really need the psoas minor anymore, it was only necessary when we walked on all fours”, yet on the other hand could say, “The way the femur attaches into the hip socket is a genius design.”

Later another student asked, “Why is the lumbar spine designed like…um…I mean…whatever you believe…what is the purpose of its limited range of motion in rotation?”

As we saw the purpose and function of everything, it was pretty difficult to talk about the human body as a mere random chance. Presupposing evolution made it hard for anyone to ask “why?” without contradicting themselves.

Psalm 139 says:

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them.

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand.

Psalm 139

Creation undeniably points to the glory of the Creator. What joy to know that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” in a way that transcends even our profound physical make-up. Studying anatomy has helped me appreciate again the wonder of God having “intricately woven” us in secret.

Who can comprehend the greatness of the mind of God?

Home & Health

The Best Coffee Mug Ever

I’ve been taking the boys out riding in the mornings. It’s been great to ride the rough off of the horses and the boys at the same time. I brought my favourite coffee mug with me, the blue YETI. It was a great idea to have hot coffee on a stormy morning. But when we unsaddled and closed up the barn I almost walked out of the pen without it. We were snapping pictures and there it was sitting on the top of a railroad tie. I would’ve been kicking myself if I had forgotten it on a gatepost.

I spend a lot of time each morning reading, writing and praying. Normally I will sit down with my first cup of coffee for the day while I spend time in the quiet before the boys wake up.

But my problem is that unless I slurp down my hot coffee in a hurry, it gets cold before I finish it. Ceramic mugs don’t keep it warm. And sometimes I’ll read or study outside on cool Canadian mornings which turn a hot cup into an iced coffee.

I needed a mug that could keep coffee warm for longer than a devo on the deck. That’s where the YETI mug comes in. It’s the best coffee mug ever in my opinion.

Get it from Canada

Get it from the USA

Now if you don’t need one, that’s fine. But if you want one to keep your coffee warm, any purchases through the link above give our family a small commission.

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” “No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” – Winston Churchill