Clint Ministry

5 Questions to ask in a Church Membership Interview

This Lord’s Day, I’m doing some church membership interviews along with my fellow pastor/elders.

There are a few questions which we are wanting to ask potential members who have gone through our membership class. After the interview, the congregation reviews their candidacy and responds in writing with their affirmation or objections and issues of concern. Then the elders board evaluates the congregation’s review and affirms or withholds the person’s entrance into membership. Each new member recieved is called a “gospel partner” echoing the language of Philippians 1:5.

Here are the questions we ask in the interview for Gospel Partnership.

  1. In your own words, what is the gospel? (theological)
  2. Explain how God transferred you from darkness to light in Christ? (testimonial)
  3. Are you walking in known sin? Eg. Are you consuming pornography? (pastoral)
  4. Do you confess your agreement with the Congregational Statement of Faith, and submit yourself to the Congregational Covenant along with all of the other members? (confessional)
  5. Have you been baptised on confession of your faith in Christ? (ecclesiastical)

Maybe you have other questions or better ones. Or maybe your church doesn’t ask any questions at all.

By Clint

Clint is married to Christel, father to three sons, and serves as Senior Pastor of Calvary Grace Church in Calgary, Canada.

2 replies on “5 Questions to ask in a Church Membership Interview”

These are very good. If the membership candidate has come from another church, we will usually make some inquiry in that realm? Can we contact that church? Are there any issues left unresolved? In your alliterative construct, we might term it “historical.”

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